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Services We Offer

Reward Based Dog Training and Behavior Modification

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Ready. Set. Train.

All programs will start with a consultation. We will go over essential dog training fundamentals giving you a solid foundation to work from. We will set very clear goals and criteria, talk about your dogs history and learn more about the day by day components that'll influence our training program. By the end of the consultation you will leave with  some home work, new rules, new schedule and possibly new mindset.

Follow-up private lesson

A Little Goes a Long Way

As you progress on your training journey, I will be able to help answer any questions and coach you with new fresh exercises helping you reach your goals.


Private lesson package of 6

Weekly lessons

Private lesson packages are discounted and geared towards the dog parents that would like to train their own dog with guidance from a professional dog trainer. You'll leave every lesson with homework for the week, so when we meet again we can build off of each session. This package works best with weekly scheduled sessions.

Puppy "FUN"damentals

2 week program

For puppies between ages 10-20 weeks old.

These weeks are a very important time for socializing to different places, people, and animals. This program is geared towards socializing your puppy to new people and places all while working on basic obedience and making it fun. Working on sit, down, stay, come and walking on leash have never been more enjoyable for your dog. We will work with your puppy daily Monday through Friday improving their confidence and skills. About once a week you will join in and learn how to maintain the progress. 


 Adult "PAWS"itive training course

2 week program

We tie basic obedience and behavior modification together. We will work on behaviors like pulling on leash, barking at people or dogs, jumping on guests etc. You will be left with weekly homework assignments to work on and improve both dog and owner training and communication skills. We will work with your dog daily Monday through Friday improving their confidence and skills. About once a week you will join in and learn how to maintain the progress.

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